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Let's See What We Have Here Let's See What We Have Here
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Product Name   Price 
 SIDE 1:
1. Shang-A-Lang (Martin-Coulter) - 3:06
2. Give It To Me Now (Martin-Coulter) - 3:48
3. Angel Angel (Faulkner-Woods) - 2:27
4. Be My Baby (Spector-Greenwich-Barry) - 3:27
5. Just A Little Love (Faulkner-Woods) - 2:55
6. Remember (Sha La La La) (Martin-Coulter) - 2:33

1. Saturday Night (Martin-Coulter) - 2:56
2. Ain't It Strange (Faulkner-Woods-McKeown) - 2:09
3. Please Stay (Bacharach-Hilliard) - 3:53
4. Jenny Gotta Dance (Martin-Coulter) - 3:05
5. There Goes My Baby (Faulkner-Woods) - 3:16
6. Summerlove Sensation (Martin-Coulter) - 3:13
  íà çàêàç  
 SIDE 1:
1. Bye Bye Baby (Gaudio—Crewe)  - 2:45
2. The Disco Kid (Faulkner—Wood) - 3:17
3. La Belle Jeane (Faulkner—Wood) - 3:59
4. When Will You Be Mine? (Goodison—Wainman) - 2:32
5. Angel Baby (Faulkner—Wood) - 3:51
6. Keep On Dancing (Young) - 2:44

1. Once Upon A Star (Faulkner—Wood) - 2:57
2. Let's Go (A Huggin' And A Kissin' In The Moonlight) - 3:30
3. Marlina (Faulkner—McKeown—Wood) - 2:56
4. My Teenage Heart (Faulkner—Wood) - 2:32
5. Rock And Roll Honeymoon (Goodison—Wainman) - 2:42
6. Hey! Beautiful Dreamer - 3:55
  íà çàêàç  

Àâòîðû: Eric Faulkner - Stuart "Woody" Wood, êðîìå óêàçàííûõ äîïîëíèòåëüíî.
 ñêîáêàõ óêàçàíû àâòîðû, çà ñêîáêàìè - èñïîëíèòåëü ãëàâíîãî âîêàëà.

1. "I Only Wanna Dance With You" - Les McKeown - 2:59
2. "Don't Stop the Music"- McKeown - 2:49
3. "Shanghai'd in Love" - Faulkner - 3:29
4. "Love Is..." - McKeown - 2:38
5. "Maybe I'm a Fool to Love You" - McKeown - 3:55
6. "Too Young to Rock & Roll" - McKeown - 2:17

1. "Give a Little Love" (John Goodison/Phil Wainman) - McKeown - 3:28
2. "Wouldn't You Like It?" - McKeown - 3:14
3. "Here Comes That Feeling Again" - Alan Longmuir - 3:41
4. "Lovely to See You" - McKeown - 3:57
5. "Eagles Fly" - McKeown - 3:04
6. "Derek's End Piece" - Instrumental, Spoken Outro: Derek Longmuir - 2:34

  íà çàêàç  

1. "Let's Pretend" (Eric Carmen)
2. "You're a Woman" (Faulkner, Wood)
3. "Rock 'N Roller" (Faulkner, Wood)
4. "Don't Worry Baby" (B.Wilson, R.Christian)
5. "Yesterday's Hero" (Vanda, Young)

1. "My Lisa" (T.Sciuto, S.Egorin)
2. "Money Honey" (Faulkner, Wood)
3. "Rock 'N Roll Love Letter" (Tim Moore)
4. "Write A Letter" (Wood, McKeown, Mitchell)
5. "Dedication" (Fletcher, Flett)

  íà çàêàç  
 SIDE 1:
1. It's A Game (Chris Adams) - 2:59
2. You Made Me Believe In Magic (Len Boone) - 2:41
3. Don't Let The Music Die (Bay City Rollers) - 5:45
4. Love Power (Teddy Vann) - 3:35
5. The Way I Feel Tonight (Harvey Shield) - 3:54

1. Love Fever (Bay City Rollers) - 4:32
2. Sweet Virginia (Bay City Rollers) - 2:59
3. Inside A Broken Dream (Bay City Rollers) - 3:38
4. Dance Dance Dance (Bay City Rollers) - 3:33
5. Rebel Rebel (David Bowie) - 3:41
  íà çàêàç  
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 products) Result Pages:  1 

ÇÂÎÍÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ÏÈØÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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