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Let's See What We Have Here Let's See What We Have Here
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Product Name   Price 
 SIDE 1:
1. Good Old Rock N Roll - 3:05
    Sweet Little SixteenLong Tall SallyChantilly Lace
    Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' OnBlue Suede ShoesParty Doll
2. Favors (Michaels-Smith-Equine-Chin-Packer) - 3:25
3. Charlie's Waltz (Charlie Chin) - 3:39
4. How I Spent My Summer (Robert Smith) - 3:50
5. Marie (C. Chin-R. Smith-Packer) - 3:34
6. Probably Won't (R. Smith) - 4:47

1. Can You Dance To It? (R. Smith) - 4:54
2. Bramble Bush (Roy Michaels) - 5:00
3. Bad News (C. Chin-M. Equine) - 3:09
4. Boston Burglar - 3:42
5. Track In 'A' (Nebraska Nights) - 9:35
 4,000 руб. 
 SIDE 1:
1. Riff Raff (Equine, Packer, Michaels, Smith) - 5:28
2. Turkish Taffy (Bob Smith) - 2:58
3. Boonville Massacre (Bob Smith) - 4:11
4. I Must Be Dreaming (Bob Smith) - 4:17
5. Last Go Round (Jay Ungar) - 3:20

1. Strike A Match And Light Another (Jay Ungar) - 2:49
2. Been All Around The World - 4:58
   (Traditional/arr. by Cat Mother)
3. Good Times (Roy Michaels) - 3:06
4. theme from Albion Doo-Wah - 4:14
   (Michaels, Equine, Smith, Ungar, Packer)
5. Rise Above It (Bob Smith) - 3:14
  на заказ  
 SIDE 1:
1. Greenwood Shuffle (Bob Smith) - 3:30
2. She Came From A Different World (Bob Smith) - 4:20
3. Ode To Oregon (Roy Michaels) - 1:55
4. Three And Me (Charlie Prichard) - 2:38
5. The Dribbleworks Blues (Bob Smith)- 2:20
6. Trials And Tribulations (Bob Smith) - 3:28

1. Letter To The President (Bob Smith) - 3:37
2. Hebbiejeebies (Cat Mother Instrumental) - 4:55
   (Smith, Prichard, Michaels, Equine, Davidson)
3. Love Until Your Heart Breaks (Bob Smith) - 8:25
  на заказ  
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 products) Result Pages:  1 

ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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