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Интернет магазин виниловых пластинок с бережной доставкой Oldies-Goldies
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Let's See What We Have Here Let's See What We Have Here
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Product Name   Price 

1. I Can't Stand The Rain (A. Peebles-B. Miller-D. Bryant) - 6:33  
2. Movin' (R. Muller-W. Williamston) - 5:00
3. I'll Take You There (Isbell) - 2:50
4. Computer Love (Kolonovits-Diesel) - 4:35

SIDE 2: 
1. The Way We Were (M. Bergman-M. Hamlisch) - 4:20
2. Do You Know What It Feels Like (E. Kingsley) - 4:46
3. Be Yourself (M. Perrineau-Steve Smith) - 3:42
4. I Can't Carry On (M. Perrineau-Steve Smith) - 3:23
5. Wayward Love (Gonzales) - 3:50
6. Party, Party (G. Williams) - 3:35

  на заказ  
 SIDE 1:
1. Leave A Light (I'll Keep A Light In My Window) - 6:37
   (L. Caston/T. McFadden)
2. Sweet Side - 3:23
   (E. Kingsly/R. Ehrhardt/F. Jay/P. Wilson)
3. Up And Away (V. Perrineau) - 3:15
4. Left Me In The Rain - 3:54
   (G. Perrineau/E. Kingsly)

1. Valley Of The Dolls (D. Previn/A. Previn) - 4:36
2. One Way Ticket (H. Hunter/J. Keller) - 3:18
3. Hey There Lonely Girl (E. Kingsly) - 3:20
4. No Good Searchin' (S. Lindsay/G. Williams) - 4:15
5. Fire Is Gone (P. Wilson) - 4:02
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 Все песни написаны и аранжированы Eruption:

1. Go Johnnie Go (Keep On Walking, John B.) (Eric A. Kingsley) - 3:28
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
2. You (Gerry Williams) - 3:35
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
3. Fight Fight Fight (Greg Perrineau) - 3:12
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
4. It's Alright (Gerry Williams) - 3:55
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
5. Go Ahead (Morgan Perrineau) - 3:34
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
6. We Gotta Talk About It  (Greg/Perrineau) - 3:43
    Kim Davis - lead vocal


1. Call My Name (Gerry Williams/Kim Davis) - 3:52
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
2. Stand Up And Sing Hallelujah (Eric A. Kingsley) - 3:18
    Eric Kingsley - lead vocal
3. Spaced Out (Morgan Perrineau/S. Smith)- 3:45
    Morgan Perrineau - lead vocal
4. Come Back To Me (Morgan Perrineau) - 3:49
    Morgan Perrineau - lead vocal
5. Moonlight (Eric A. Kingsley) - 3:47
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
6. Heading For The Top (Morgan Perrineau/S. Smith) - 3:07
    Kim Davis - lead vocal
  на заказ  
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 products) Result Pages:  1 

ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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