Интернет магазин виниловых пластинок с бережной доставкой Oldies-Goldies
Интернет магазин виниловых пластинок с бережной доставкой Oldies-Goldies
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Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Product Name   Price 
 SIDE 1:
1. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You - 2:33
2. Ol'Man Mose (Armstrong—Randolph) - 3:00
3. How Long Has This Been Going On - 2:54
   (G. & I. Gershwin)
4. My Love, My Love (Acquaviva—Haymes) - 2:40
5. It Might As Well Be Spring - 4:10
6. Taboo (Lecuona) - 2:15

1. Love Is Where You Find It - 2:12
2. I Got Lost In His Arms (Berlin) - 2:47
3. Dat's Love (Hammerstein) - 2:12
4. Angel Eyes (Brent—Dennis) - 3:00
5. Gone With The Wind (Wrubel—Madigson) - 2:35
6. Swanee (Caesar—Gershwin) - 2:18
  на заказ  
 SIDE 1:
1. Mr. Twister (Berry/Covay/Lewis) - 2:20
2. Teach Me How To Twist (Curtis) - 2:25
3. Johnny Darlin' (Curtis) - 2:15
4. Telephone Lover (Curtis) - 2:35
5. Mommy Your Daughter's Falling In Love (Curtis) - 2:35
6. Drop It Joe (Curtis) - 2:45

1. Kiss N' Twist (Tarantella) - 2:08
2. I Won't Be Home To You (Curtis) - 2:22
3. My Real Happiness (Curtis) - 2:25
4. Ain't That Better Baby (Lynn/Medley) - 2:37
5. Hey Ring-A-Ding (Curtis) - 2:35
6. Does Ol' Broadway Ever Sleep (Curtis) - 2:42
  на заказ  
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products) Result Pages:  1 

ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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