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Автор всех песен David Bowie, кроме указанных в скобках.

1. "It's No Game (No. 1)" – 4:15
2. "Up the Hill Backwards" – 3:13
3. "Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)" – 5:10
4. "Ashes to Ashes" – 4:21
5. "Fashion" – 4:45

1. "Teenage Wildlife" – 6:53
2. "Scream Like a Baby" – 3:33
3. "Kingdom Come" (Tom Verlaine) – 3:42
4. "Because You're Young" – 4:57
5. "It's No Game (No. 2)" – 4:20

Автор всех песен David Bowie, кроме указанных в скобках.

1. "It's No Game (No. 1)" – 4:15
2. "Up the Hill Backwards" – 3:13
3. "Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)" – 5:10
4. "Ashes to Ashes" – 4:21
5. "Fashion" – 4:45

1. "Teenage Wildlife" – 6:53
2. "Scream Like a Baby" – 3:33
3. "Kingdom Come" (Tom Verlaine) – 3:42
4. "Because You're Young" – 4:57
5. "It's No Game (No. 2)" – 4:20

David Bowie: vocals, keyboards
Dennis Davis: percussion
George Murray: bass
Carlos Alomar: guitars
Chuck Hammer: guitar on Ashes To Ashes and Teenage Wildlife
Robert Fripp: guitar on Fashion, It's No Game, Scary Monsters, Kingdom Come, Up The Hill Backwards and Teenage Wildlife
Roy Bittan: piano on Teenage Wildlife, Ashes To Ashes and Up The Hill Backwards
Andy Clark: synthesizer on Fashion, Scream Like A Baby, Ashes To Ashes and Because You're Young
Pete Townshend: guitar on Because You're Young
Tony Visconti: acoustic guitar on Scary Monsters, Up The Hill Backwards
Lynn Maitland, Chris Porter, Tony Visconti, David Bowie: vocal backing
Michi Hirota: voice on It's No Game (Part 1)

Hisahi Miura - перевод на японский It's No Game
Natasha Kornilof - костюм Пьеро
Richard Shavah - макияж
Cover concept: Bowie/Duffy
Cover by Edward Bell
Recorded: Power Station, New York by David Bowie and Toni Visconti
Assistants Power Station: Lany Alexander, Jeff Hendrickson
Produced by David Bowie and Toni Visconti

David Bowie: vocals, keyboards
Dennis Davis: percussion
George Murray: bass
Carlos Alomar: guitars
Chuck Hammer: guitar on Ashes To Ashes and Teenage Wildlife
Robert Fripp: guitar on Fashion, It's No Game, Scary Monsters, Kingdom Come, Up The Hill Backwards and Teenage Wildlife
Roy Bittan: piano on Teenage Wildlife, Ashes To Ashes and Up The Hill Backwards
Andy Clark: synthesizer on Fashion, Scream Like A Baby, Ashes To Ashes and Because You're Young
Pete Townshend: guitar on Because You're Young
Tony Visconti: acoustic guitar on Scary Monsters, Up The Hill Backwards
Lynn Maitland, Chris Porter, Tony Visconti, David Bowie: vocal backing
Michi Hirota: voice on It's No Game (Part 1)

Hisahi Miura - перевод на японский It's No Game
Natasha Kornilof - костюм Пьеро
Richard Shavah - макияж
Cover concept: Bowie/Duffy
Cover by Edward Bell
Recorded: Power Station, New York by David Bowie and Toni Visconti
Assistants Power Station: Lany Alexander, Jeff Hendrickson
Produced by David Bowie and Toni Visconti

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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