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1. Let's Stick Together (Wilbert Harrison) - 3:00
2. Casanova (Bryan Ferry) - 2:45
3. Sea Breezes (Bryan Ferry) - 6:10
4. Shame, Shame, Shame (Jimmy Reed) - 3:15
5. 2 HB (Bryan Ferry) - 3:50

1. The Price Of Love (Don & Phil Everly) - 3:25
2. Chance Meeting (Bryan Ferry) - 3:35
3. It's Only Love (John Lennon-Paul McCartney) - 3:45
4. You Go To My Head (J. Fred Coots -music, Haven Gillespie -lyrics) - 2:50
5. Re-Make / Re-Model (Bryan Ferry) - 2:40
6. Heart On My Sleeve (Benny Gallagher-Graham Lyle) - 3:30

1. Let's Stick Together (Wilbert Harrison) - 3:00
2. Casanova (Bryan Ferry) - 2:45
3. Sea Breezes (Bryan Ferry) - 6:10
4. Shame, Shame, Shame (Jimmy Reed) - 3:15
5. 2 HB (Bryan Ferry) - 3:50

1. The Price Of Love (Don & Phil Everly) - 3:25
2. Chance Meeting (Bryan Ferry) - 3:35
3. It's Only Love (John Lennon-Paul McCartney) - 3:45
4. You Go To My Head (J. Fred Coots -music, Haven Gillespie -lyrics) - 2:50
5. Re-Make / Re-Model (Bryan Ferry) - 2:40
6. Heart On My Sleeve (Benny Gallagher-Graham Lyle) - 3:30
Bryan Ferry - vocals, keyboards, harmonica
Chris Spedding - guitar
Paul Thompson - drums
John Wetton - bass
Chris Mercer - tenor saxophone
Mel Collins - soprano saxophone
Martin Drover - trumpet
Eddie Jobson - violin, synthesizer
Morris Pert - percussion
John Gustafson - bass on "Re-Make/Re-Model"
Rick Wills - bass on "Sea Breezes"
John Porter - bass on "2HB"
Phil Manzanera - guitar on "Re-Make/Re-Model"
David O'List - guitar on "Chance Meeting"
Neil Hubbard - guitar on "Casanova"
Ann O'Dell - string arrangement on "Shame, Shame, Shame"
Chorus: Jacqui Sullivan, Helen Chappell, Paddie McHugh, Doreen Chanter, Vicki Brown, Martha Walker


Produced by Chris Thomas & Bryan Ferry
Recorded 1973 to 1976, at AIR and Island Studios, London
Engineers: John Punter, Steve Nye
Assistant Engineers: Jon Walls, Nigel Walker
Photography by Richard Wallis

Bryan Ferry - vocals, keyboards, harmonica
Chris Spedding - guitar
Paul Thompson - drums
John Wetton - bass
Chris Mercer - tenor saxophone
Mel Collins - soprano saxophone
Martin Drover - trumpet
Eddie Jobson - violin, synthesizer
Morris Pert - percussion
John Gustafson - bass on "Re-Make/Re-Model"
Rick Wills - bass on "Sea Breezes"
John Porter - bass on "2HB"
Phil Manzanera - guitar on "Re-Make/Re-Model"
David O'List - guitar on "Chance Meeting"
Neil Hubbard - guitar on "Casanova"
Ann O'Dell - string arrangement on "Shame, Shame, Shame"
Chorus: Jacqui Sullivan, Helen Chappell, Paddie McHugh, Doreen Chanter, Vicki Brown, Martha Walker


Produced by Chris Thomas & Bryan Ferry
Recorded 1973 to 1976, at AIR and Island Studios, London
Engineers: John Punter, Steve Nye
Assistant Engineers: Jon Walls, Nigel Walker
Photography by Richard Wallis

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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