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Цена: 2,000 руб.
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Автор песен — Paul McCartney, кроме указанной дополнительно:

1. Reception
2. Getting Closer
3. We're Open Tonight
4. Spin It On
5. Again and Again and Again (Denny Laine)
6. Old Siam, Sir
7. Arrow Through Me

1. Rockestra Theme
2. To You
3. After the Ball / Million Miles
4. Winter Rose / Love Awake
5. The Broadcast
6. So Glad to See You Here
7. Baby's Request

Автор песен — Paul McCartney, кроме указанной дополнительно:

1. Reception
2. Getting Closer
3. We're Open Tonight
4. Spin It On
5. Again and Again and Again (Denny Laine)
6. Old Siam, Sir
7. Arrow Through Me

1. Rockestra Theme
2. To You
3. After the Ball / Million Miles
4. Winter Rose / Love Awake
5. The Broadcast
6. So Glad to See You Here
7. Baby's Request
Paul McCartney – lead, harmony and background vocals; acoustic, lead, rhythm and bass guitars; piano, keyboards and synthesizers; recorder
Linda McCartney – Mini-Moog and synthesizer; percussion; harmony and background vocals
Denny Laine – bass, acoustic, lead and rhythm guitars; lead, harmony and background vocals
Laurence Juber – lead guitar; harmony and background vocals
Steve Holly – drums and percussion; harmony and background vocals
ROCKESTRA (on "Rockestra Theme" and "So Glad to See You Here"):
Guitars: David Gilmour, Denny Laine, Laurence Juber, Hank Marvin, Pete Townshend
Bass guitars: Paul McCartney, John Paul Jones, Bruce Thomas, Ronnie Lane
Pianos: Paul McCartney, John Paul Jones, Gary Brooker
Keyboards: Linda McCartney, Tony Ashton
Horns: Howie Casey, Steve Howard, Thaddeus Richard, Tony Dorsey
Drums: John Bonham, Kenny Jones, Steve Holly
Percussion: Ray Cooper, Morris Pert, Speedy Acquaye, Tony Carr

Produced by Paul McCartney and Chris Thomas
Engineer: Phil McDonald assisted by Mark Vigars
Recorded at:
Spirit of Ranachan Studio, Scotland
Lympne Castle, Kent
Replica Studio, London
EMI Studios, London
Front cover photo: John Shaw
Back cover photo: Linda & Paul

Paul McCartney – lead, harmony and background vocals; acoustic, lead, rhythm and bass guitars; piano, keyboards and synthesizers; recorder
Linda McCartney – Mini-Moog and synthesizer; percussion; harmony and background vocals
Denny Laine – bass, acoustic, lead and rhythm guitars; lead, harmony and background vocals
Laurence Juber – lead guitar; harmony and background vocals
Steve Holly – drums and percussion; harmony and background vocals
ROCKESTRA (on "Rockestra Theme" and "So Glad to See You Here"):
Guitars: David Gilmour, Denny Laine, Laurence Juber, Hank Marvin, Pete Townshend
Bass guitars: Paul McCartney, John Paul Jones, Bruce Thomas, Ronnie Lane
Pianos: Paul McCartney, John Paul Jones, Gary Brooker
Keyboards: Linda McCartney, Tony Ashton
Horns: Howie Casey, Steve Howard, Thaddeus Richard, Tony Dorsey
Drums: John Bonham, Kenny Jones, Steve Holly
Percussion: Ray Cooper, Morris Pert, Speedy Acquaye, Tony Carr

Produced by Paul McCartney and Chris Thomas
Engineer: Phil McDonald assisted by Mark Vigars
Recorded at:
Spirit of Ranachan Studio, Scotland
Lympne Castle, Kent
Replica Studio, London
EMI Studios, London
Front cover photo: John Shaw
Back cover photo: Linda & Paul

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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