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Àâòîðû — Barry, Robin, Maurice Gibb, êðîìå óêàçàííûõ äîïîëíèòåëüíî:

1. Living Eyes - 4:16
2. He's A Liar - 4:00
3. Paradise - 4:18
4. Don't Fall In Love With Me - 4:12
5. Soldiers - 4:25

1. I Still Love You - 4:24
2. Wild Flower - 4:23
3. Nothing Could Be Good (Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb, Albhy Galuten) - 4:09
4. Cryin' Every Day - 4:01
5. Be Who You Are (Barry Gibb) - 6:38

Àâòîðû — Barry, Robin, Maurice Gibb, êðîìå óêàçàííûõ äîïîëíèòåëüíî:

1. Living Eyes - 4:16
2. He's A Liar - 4:00
3. Paradise - 4:18
4. Don't Fall In Love With Me - 4:12
5. Soldiers - 4:25

1. I Still Love You - 4:24
2. Wild Flower - 4:23
3. Nothing Could Be Good (Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb, Albhy Galuten) - 4:09
4. Cryin' Every Day - 4:01
5. Be Who You Are (Barry Gibb) - 6:38
Barry Gibb – vocals, guitar, strings and horns arrangement
Robin Gibb – vocals
Maurice Gibb – vocals, guitar, strings and horns arrangement
Don Felder – guitar on "He's a liar", "Paradise", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Soldiers", "Wildflower"
Richard Tee – piano on "Living Eyes", "He's a Liar", "Paradise", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Soldiers", "I Still Love You", "Nothing Could Be Good"
Albhy Galuten – synthesizer on "Living Eyes", "He's a Liar", "Paradise", "Soldiers", "I Still Love You", "Cryin' Everyday", "Be Who You Are"
George Bitzer – piano on "Living Eyes", "Paradise", "Wildflower", "Nothing Could Be Good", synthesizer on "He's a Liar"
Harold Cowart – bass except "Cryin' Everyday", "Be Who You Are"
Steve Gadd – drums on "He's a Liar", "Paradise", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Soldiers", "I Still Love You", "Nothing Could Be Good"
Chuck Kirkpatrick – guitar on "Living Eyes", "Nothing Could Be Good", "I Still Love You"
George Terry – guitar on "Living Eyes", "Be Who You Are"
David Wolinski – keyboards on "Be Who You Are"
Bob Glaub – bass on "Be Who You Are"
Jeff Porcaro – drums on "Living Eyes", "Soldiers", "Cryin' Everyday"
Russ Kunkel – drums on "Wildflower", "Cryin' Everyday", "Be Who You Are"
Ralph McDonald – percussion on "Living Eyes", "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me"
Joe Galdo – drums on "Be Who You Are"
The Boneroo Horns and Brass Sextet:
Peter Graves on "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Ken Faulk on "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Brett Murphey on "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Neil Bonsanti on "He's a Liar"
Don Bonsanti on "He's a Liar"
Whit Sidener on "He's a Liar"
Jerry Peel on "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Greg Lonnman on "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Ken Waldenpfhul on "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Gene Orloff – concertmaster

Produced by The Bee Gees, Karl Richardson & Albhy Galuten
Recorded at Middle Ear Inc., Miami
Strings recorded at Media Sound, New York
Horns recorded at Criteria Studios, Miami
Engineered by Karl Richardson & Don Gehman
Assisted by: Dale Peterson & Sam Taylor (Middle Ear)
Lincoln Clapp, Don Brewer & Nick Kalliongis (Media Sound)
Jim Pace (Digital Magnetics)
Dennis Hentzendorfer, Al Stegmeyer & Alex Clarke (Criteria)
Recorded on MCI JH-556 console & two JH24/24 recorders with JH-45 synchronizers
Mastered by Mike Fuller at Criteria Cutting Center, Miami
Artwork, Design: Glenn Ross
Wardrobe: Sarah Lemire
Photography: Front Cover & Inner Spread: Minsei Tominaga
Back Cover: Bob Sherman

Barry Gibb – vocals, guitar, strings and horns arrangement
Robin Gibb – vocals
Maurice Gibb – vocals, guitar, strings and horns arrangement
Don Felder – guitar on "He's a liar", "Paradise", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Soldiers", "Wildflower"
Richard Tee – piano on "Living Eyes", "He's a Liar", "Paradise", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Soldiers", "I Still Love You", "Nothing Could Be Good"
Albhy Galuten – synthesizer on "Living Eyes", "He's a Liar", "Paradise", "Soldiers", "I Still Love You", "Cryin' Everyday", "Be Who You Are"
George Bitzer – piano on "Living Eyes", "Paradise", "Wildflower", "Nothing Could Be Good", synthesizer on "He's a Liar"
Harold Cowart – bass except "Cryin' Everyday", "Be Who You Are"
Steve Gadd – drums on "He's a Liar", "Paradise", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Soldiers", "I Still Love You", "Nothing Could Be Good"
Chuck Kirkpatrick – guitar on "Living Eyes", "Nothing Could Be Good", "I Still Love You"
George Terry – guitar on "Living Eyes", "Be Who You Are"
David Wolinski – keyboards on "Be Who You Are"
Bob Glaub – bass on "Be Who You Are"
Jeff Porcaro – drums on "Living Eyes", "Soldiers", "Cryin' Everyday"
Russ Kunkel – drums on "Wildflower", "Cryin' Everyday", "Be Who You Are"
Ralph McDonald – percussion on "Living Eyes", "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me"
Joe Galdo – drums on "Be Who You Are"
The Boneroo Horns and Brass Sextet:
Peter Graves on "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Ken Faulk on "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Brett Murphey on "He's a Liar", "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Neil Bonsanti on "He's a Liar"
Don Bonsanti on "He's a Liar"
Whit Sidener on "He's a Liar"
Jerry Peel on "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Greg Lonnman on "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Ken Waldenpfhul on "Don't Fall in Love With Me", "Be Who You Are"
Gene Orloff – concertmaster

Produced by The Bee Gees, Karl Richardson & Albhy Galuten
Recorded at Middle Ear Inc., Miami
Strings recorded at Media Sound, New York
Horns recorded at Criteria Studios, Miami
Engineered by Karl Richardson & Don Gehman
Assisted by: Dale Peterson & Sam Taylor (Middle Ear)
Lincoln Clapp, Don Brewer & Nick Kalliongis (Media Sound)
Jim Pace (Digital Magnetics)
Dennis Hentzendorfer, Al Stegmeyer & Alex Clarke (Criteria)
Recorded on MCI JH-556 console & two JH24/24 recorders with JH-45 synchronizers
Mastered by Mike Fuller at Criteria Cutting Center, Miami
Artwork, Design: Glenn Ross
Wardrobe: Sarah Lemire
Photography: Front Cover & Inner Spread: Minsei Tominaga
Back Cover: Bob Sherman

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ÇÂÎÍÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ÏÈØÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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