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1. Poison (A. Cooper/D. Child/J. McCurry) - 4:28
2. Spark In The Dark (A. Cooper/D. Child) - 3:51
3. House Of Fire (A. Cooper/J. Jett/D. Child) - 3:46
4. Why Trust You (A. Cooper/D. Child) - 3:12
5. Only My Heart Talkin' - 4:46
   (B. Roberts/A. Goldmark/add. lyrics by A. Cooper)

1. Bed Of Nails (A. Cooper/D. Warren/D. Child) - 4:20
2. This Maniacs' In Love With You - 3:47
   ( (A. Cooper/B. Held/T. Teeley/D. Child)
3. Trash (A. Cooper/M. Frazier/J. Sewer/D. Child) - 4:01
4. Hell Is Living Without You - 4:11
    (A. Cooper/J. Bon Jovi/R. Sambora/D. Child)
5. I'm Your Gun (A. Cooper/J. McCurry/D. Child) - 3:47

1. Poison (A. Cooper/D. Child/J. McCurry) - 4:28
2. Spark In The Dark (A. Cooper/D. Child) - 3:51
3. House Of Fire (A. Cooper/J. Jett/D. Child) - 3:46
4. Why Trust You (A. Cooper/D. Child) - 3:12
5. Only My Heart Talkin' - 4:46
   (B. Roberts/A. Goldmark/add. lyrics by A. Cooper)

1. Bed Of Nails (A. Cooper/D. Warren/D. Child) - 4:20
2. This Maniacs' In Love With You - 3:47
   ( (A. Cooper/B. Held/T. Teeley/D. Child)
3. Trash (A. Cooper/M. Frazier/J. Sewer/D. Child) - 4:01
4. Hell Is Living Without You - 4:11
    (A. Cooper/J. Bon Jovi/R. Sambora/D. Child)
5. I'm Your Gun (A. Cooper/J. McCurry/D. Child) - 3:47
Alice Cooper – lead vocals
John McCurry – guitar
Hugh McDonald – bass
Bobby Chouinard – drums
Alan St. John – keyboards
Steven Tyler – additional vocals (Only My Heart Talkin')
Jon Bon Jovi – additional vocals (Trash)
Kip Winger – additional vocals (I'm Your Gun)
Joe Perry – guitar (House Of Fire)
Richie Sambora, Steve Lukather – additional guitar (Hell Is Living Without You)
Kane Roberts – additional guitar (Bed Of Nails)
Guy Mann-Dude – additional guitar (Spark In The Dark, Why Trust You, This Maniacs' In Love With You)
Tom Hamilton – bass (Trash)
Joey Kramer – drums (Trash)
Mark Frazier, Jack Johnson – guitars (Trash)
Paul Chiten – additional keyboards
Steve Deutsch – synth programming
Gregg Mangiafico – additional keyboards & special effects
Background vocals - Myriam Valle, Maria Vidal, Diana Graselli, Desmond Child, Bernie Shanahan, Louie Merlino, Alan St. John, Tom Teeley, Michael Anthony, Stiv Bators, Hugh McDonald, Jango, Jamie Sever, Joe Turano

Produced by Desmond Child
Recorded by Sir Arthur Payson
Mixed by Steve Thompson and Michael Barbiero
Recorded 1988-1989:
in New York at Bearsville Studios, Power Station, Sigma Sound, Mediasound
in Los Angeles at Village Recorder, The Complex, Record Plant
in Boston at Jay Studios
in New Jersey at Sanctuary Sound
Production Manager: Michael Anthony
Executive Producer: Bob Pfeifer
Mastered by George Marino at Sterling Sound
Photography: Glen LaFerman
Logo Design: David Coleman

Alice Cooper – lead vocals
John McCurry – guitar
Hugh McDonald – bass
Bobby Chouinard – drums
Alan St. John – keyboards
Steven Tyler – additional vocals (Only My Heart Talkin')
Jon Bon Jovi – additional vocals (Trash)
Kip Winger – additional vocals (I'm Your Gun)
Joe Perry – guitar (House Of Fire)
Richie Sambora, Steve Lukather – additional guitar (Hell Is Living Without You)
Kane Roberts – additional guitar (Bed Of Nails)
Guy Mann-Dude – additional guitar (Spark In The Dark, Why Trust You, This Maniacs' In Love With You)
Tom Hamilton – bass (Trash)
Joey Kramer – drums (Trash)
Mark Frazier, Jack Johnson – guitars (Trash)
Paul Chiten – additional keyboards
Steve Deutsch – synth programming
Gregg Mangiafico – additional keyboards & special effects
Background vocals - Myriam Valle, Maria Vidal, Diana Graselli, Desmond Child, Bernie Shanahan, Louie Merlino, Alan St. John, Tom Teeley, Michael Anthony, Stiv Bators, Hugh McDonald, Jango, Jamie Sever, Joe Turano

Produced by Desmond Child
Recorded by Sir Arthur Payson
Mixed by Steve Thompson and Michael Barbiero
Recorded 1988-1989:
in New York at Bearsville Studios, Power Station, Sigma Sound, Mediasound
in Los Angeles at Village Recorder, The Complex, Record Plant
in Boston at Jay Studios
in New Jersey at Sanctuary Sound
Production Manager: Michael Anthony
Executive Producer: Bob Pfeifer
Mastered by George Marino at Sterling Sound
Photography: Glen LaFerman
Logo Design: David Coleman

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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