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1. Preface (Fripp) - 1:15
2. You Burn Me Up I'm A Cigarette (Fripp/Hall) - 2:23
3. Breathless (Fripp) - 4:41
4. Disengage (Fripp/Hammill/Walton) - 2:46
5. North Star (Fripp/Hall/Walton) - 3:06
6. Chicago (Fripp/Hall/Walton) - 2:12
7. NY3 (Fripp) - 2:16
8. Mary (Fripp/Hall/Walton) - 2:06

1. Exposure (Fripp/Gabriel) - 4:25
2. Häaden Two (Fripp) - 2:53
3. Urban Landscape (Fripp) - 2:35
4. I May Not Have Had Enough Of Me But I've Had Enough Of You - 3:50
5. First Inaugural Address To The I.A.C.E. Sherborne House - 0:03
6. Water Music I (Fripp/Bennett) - 1:27
7. Here Comes The Flood (Gabriel) - 4:01
8. Water Music II (Fripp) - 4:16
9. Postscript (Fripp) - 0:39

1. Preface (Fripp) - 1:15
2. You Burn Me Up I'm A Cigarette (Fripp/Hall) - 2:23
3. Breathless (Fripp) - 4:41
4. Disengage (Fripp/Hammill/Walton) - 2:46
5. North Star (Fripp/Hall/Walton) - 3:06
6. Chicago (Fripp/Hall/Walton) - 2:12
7. NY3 (Fripp) - 2:16
8. Mary (Fripp/Hall/Walton) - 2:06

1. Exposure (Fripp/Gabriel) - 4:25
2. Häaden Two (Fripp) - 2:53
3. Urban Landscape (Fripp) - 2:35
4. I May Not Have Had Enough Of Me But I've Had Enough Of You - 3:50
5. First Inaugural Address To The I.A.C.E. Sherborne House - 0:03
6. Water Music I (Fripp/Bennett) - 1:27
7. Here Comes The Flood (Gabriel) - 4:01
8. Water Music II (Fripp) - 4:16
9. Postscript (Fripp) - 0:39
Robert Fripp – guitars, Frippertronics, voice
Daryl Hall – vocals on "Preface", "You Burn Me Up", "North Star", piano on "You Burn Me Up" and "Chicago"
Terre Roche – vocals on "Mary", "Exposure", "I've Had Enough of You"
Peter Hammill – vocals on "Disengage", "Chicago", "I've Had Enough of You"
Peter Gabriel – vocals and piano on "Here Comes the Flood"; voice on "Preface"
Brian Eno – synthesizer on "North Star", "Here Comes the Flood", voice on "Preface", "Postscript"
Barry Andrews – organ on "Disengage", "NY3", "I've Had Enough of You"
Sid McGinnis – rhythm guitar on "Exposure"; pedal steel guitar on "North Star"
Tony Levin – bass
Jerry Marotta – drums on "You Burn Me Up", "Chicago", "Exposure", "Hååden Two"
Narada Michael Walden – drums on "Breathless", "NY3", "I've Had Enough of You"
Phil Collins – drums on "Disengage", "North Star"
Mrs. Edith Fripp – speaking voice on introduction to "Disengage"
Mrs. Evelyn Harris – voice
J.G. Bennett – voice on "First Inaugural Address" and "Water Music I"
Shivapuri Baba – voice

Produced by Robert Fripp
Recorded mainly and mixed entirely at The Hit Factory, New York between January 1978 and January 1979
Engineer: Ed Sprigg
Assistant Engineers: Jon Smith, Michael Ruffo, David Prentice
Track for 'Exposure' recorded at Relight Studios, November 1977.
Engineer: Steve Short
Track for 'Here Comes The Flood' Engineer: Steve Short
'Water Music II' recorded at The House of Music, New Jersey, July 1977.
Engineer: Jim Bonneford
N.B. Ms. Roche's voice on 'Exposure' was Fritched
All Frippertronics other than 'Water Music II' - recorded at the Fripp Mobile in the Lower East Side, Upper East Side, Hell's Kitchen and the West Village of New York between June 1977 and November 1978. Engineer: Fripp.
Location recordings mainly at W. 51st and the West Village.
Obviously, no one location was sufficient to contain all the action described within this record.
Album Cover:
Chris Stein: design and photography:
Steve Sprouse: colorist
Amos Poe: VTR images
Thanks to Mick and Ernie
Mary Lou Green: hair
Cream: typography

Robert Fripp – guitars, Frippertronics, voice
Daryl Hall – vocals on "Preface", "You Burn Me Up", "North Star", piano on "You Burn Me Up" and "Chicago"
Terre Roche – vocals on "Mary", "Exposure", "I've Had Enough of You"
Peter Hammill – vocals on "Disengage", "Chicago", "I've Had Enough of You"
Peter Gabriel – vocals and piano on "Here Comes the Flood"; voice on "Preface"
Brian Eno – synthesizer on "North Star", "Here Comes the Flood", voice on "Preface", "Postscript"
Barry Andrews – organ on "Disengage", "NY3", "I've Had Enough of You"
Sid McGinnis – rhythm guitar on "Exposure"; pedal steel guitar on "North Star"
Tony Levin – bass
Jerry Marotta – drums on "You Burn Me Up", "Chicago", "Exposure", "Hååden Two"
Narada Michael Walden – drums on "Breathless", "NY3", "I've Had Enough of You"
Phil Collins – drums on "Disengage", "North Star"
Mrs. Edith Fripp – speaking voice on introduction to "Disengage"
Mrs. Evelyn Harris – voice
J.G. Bennett – voice on "First Inaugural Address" and "Water Music I"
Shivapuri Baba – voice

Produced by Robert Fripp
Recorded mainly and mixed entirely at The Hit Factory, New York between January 1978 and January 1979
Engineer: Ed Sprigg
Assistant Engineers: Jon Smith, Michael Ruffo, David Prentice
Track for 'Exposure' recorded at Relight Studios, November 1977.
Engineer: Steve Short
Track for 'Here Comes The Flood' Engineer: Steve Short
'Water Music II' recorded at The House of Music, New Jersey, July 1977.
Engineer: Jim Bonneford
N.B. Ms. Roche's voice on 'Exposure' was Fritched
All Frippertronics other than 'Water Music II' - recorded at the Fripp Mobile in the Lower East Side, Upper East Side, Hell's Kitchen and the West Village of New York between June 1977 and November 1978. Engineer: Fripp.
Location recordings mainly at W. 51st and the West Village.
Obviously, no one location was sufficient to contain all the action described within this record.
Album Cover:
Chris Stein: design and photography:
Steve Sprouse: colorist
Amos Poe: VTR images
Thanks to Mick and Ernie
Mary Lou Green: hair
Cream: typography

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ÏÈØÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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