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Àâòîð âñåõ ïåñåí: Frank Zappa

1. Are You Hung Up - 1:23
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps - 2:34
3. Concentration Moon - 2:32
4. Mom & Dad - 2:16
5. Bow Tie Daddy - 1:22
6. Harry, You're A Beast - 1:22
7. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? - 1:03
8. Absolutely Free - 3:26
9. Flower Punk - 3:57
10. Hot Poop - 0:16

1. Nasal Retentive Caliope Music - 2:00
2. Let's Make The Water Turn Black - 1:54
3. The Idiot Bastard Son - 3:27
4. Lonely Little Girl - 1:10
5. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance - 1:33
6. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (Reprise) - 1:03
7. Mother People - 2:30
8. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny - 6:30

Àâòîð âñåõ ïåñåí: Frank Zappa

1. Are You Hung Up - 1:23
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps - 2:34
3. Concentration Moon - 2:32
4. Mom & Dad - 2:16
5. Bow Tie Daddy - 1:22
6. Harry, You're A Beast - 1:22
7. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? - 1:03
8. Absolutely Free - 3:26
9. Flower Punk - 3:57
10. Hot Poop - 0:16

1. Nasal Retentive Caliope Music - 2:00
2. Let's Make The Water Turn Black - 1:54
3. The Idiot Bastard Son - 3:27
4. Lonely Little Girl - 1:10
5. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance - 1:33
6. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (Reprise) - 1:03
7. Mother People - 2:30
8. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny - 6:30
Frank Zappa – guitar, piano, lead vocals & editing
Billy Mundi – drums, vocals, yak & black lace underwear
Bunk Gardner – all woodwinds, mumbled weirdness
Roy Estrada – electric bass, vocals, asthma
Don Preston – retired
Jimmy Carl Black – Indian of the group, drums, trumpet, vocals
Ian Underwood – piano, woodwinds, wholesome
Euclid James "Motorhead" Sherwood (visible on back cover) – road manager, soprano & baritone saxophone, all purpose weirdness & teen appeal (we need it desperately)

Suzy Creamcheese (Pamela Zarubica) – telephone
Vicki Kellgren – additional telephone vocals
Dick Barber – snorks
Eric Clapton – Male speaking part in "Are You Hung Up?" & "Nasal Retentive Calliope Music."
Gary Kellgren – "the one doing all the creepy whispering" (i.e., interstitial spoken segments)
Spider Barbour – vocals
Dick Kunc – "cheerful interruptions" vocal
Ronnie Williams – backwards voice
Sid Sharp – conductor (under Frank Zappa's supervision) of the "Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Symphony Orchestra and Chorus" on "Absolutely Free", "Mother People" and "The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny"

Produced by Frank Zappa
Executive producer: Tom Wilson
Recorded March 14–16; August 2–9; October 1967 at:
Capitol Studios, LA
Mayfair Recordings Studios, NYC — Engineer: Gary Kellgren
Apostolic Studios, NYC — Engineer: Dick Kunc
Remixed at Apostolic Studios by Dick Kunc
Photography: Jerrold Schatzberg
Fashions: Tiger Morse
Wardrobe: Billy Mundi
Plaster figures & all other artwork: Cal Schenkel

Frank Zappa – guitar, piano, lead vocals & editing
Billy Mundi – drums, vocals, yak & black lace underwear
Bunk Gardner – all woodwinds, mumbled weirdness
Roy Estrada – electric bass, vocals, asthma
Don Preston – retired
Jimmy Carl Black – Indian of the group, drums, trumpet, vocals
Ian Underwood – piano, woodwinds, wholesome
Euclid James "Motorhead" Sherwood (visible on back cover) – road manager, soprano & baritone saxophone, all purpose weirdness & teen appeal (we need it desperately)

Suzy Creamcheese (Pamela Zarubica) – telephone
Vicki Kellgren – additional telephone vocals
Dick Barber – snorks
Eric Clapton – Male speaking part in "Are You Hung Up?" & "Nasal Retentive Calliope Music."
Gary Kellgren – "the one doing all the creepy whispering" (i.e., interstitial spoken segments)
Spider Barbour – vocals
Dick Kunc – "cheerful interruptions" vocal
Ronnie Williams – backwards voice
Sid Sharp – conductor (under Frank Zappa's supervision) of the "Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Symphony Orchestra and Chorus" on "Absolutely Free", "Mother People" and "The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny"

Produced by Frank Zappa
Executive producer: Tom Wilson
Recorded March 14–16; August 2–9; October 1967 at:
Capitol Studios, LA
Mayfair Recordings Studios, NYC — Engineer: Gary Kellgren
Apostolic Studios, NYC — Engineer: Dick Kunc
Remixed at Apostolic Studios by Dick Kunc
Photography: Jerrold Schatzberg
Fashions: Tiger Morse
Wardrobe: Billy Mundi
Plaster figures & all other artwork: Cal Schenkel

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ÇÂÎÍÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ÏÈØÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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