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1. a) These Boots Are Made For Walking (Hazlewood)
    b) Jackson (Wheeler)
2. a) Ode To Billy Joe (Gentry)
    b) Dear Mrs. Applebee (Barr—Meshel)
    c) Excerpt From 'A Teenage Opera' (Philwit—Hopkins)
3. a) I Was Kaiser Bills Batman (Greenaway—Cook)
    b) Winchester Cathedral (Stephens)
    c) Yellow Submarine (Lennon—McCartney)
4.  a) The Girls In Paris (Hazlewood)
     b) The Happening (DeVol—Holland—Dozier—Holland)
     c) Zabadak (H. Blaikley)
5.  a) Release Me (Miller—Yount—Williams)
     b) Monja (Jöger—Dal Finado)
     c) Born Free (Barry—Black)

1.  a) Mexico Calling (H. Zacharias)
     b) Puppet On A String (Martin—Coulter)
     c) A Banda (De Hollanda)
2.  a) Somethin' Stupid (Parks)
     b) San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)
         (J. Phillips)
     c) Massachusetts (B. & R. Gibb)
3.  a) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon—McCartney)
     b) All You Need Is Love (Lennon—McCartney)
     c) When I'm 64 (Lennon—McCartney)
4.  a) Spanish Flea (Wechter)
     b) Music To Watch Girls By (Ramin)
     c) Miss Frenchy Brown (B. Coleman)
5.  a) The Last Waltz (Reed—Mason)
6.  Ludmilla Theme (from the film "Liebesnächte In Der Taiga")
     (M. Hübler)

1. a) These Boots Are Made For Walking (Hazlewood)
    b) Jackson (Wheeler)
2. a) Ode To Billy Joe (Gentry)
    b) Dear Mrs. Applebee (Barr—Meshel)
    c) Excerpt From 'A Teenage Opera' (Philwit—Hopkins)
3. a) I Was Kaiser Bills Batman (Greenaway—Cook)
    b) Winchester Cathedral (Stephens)
    c) Yellow Submarine (Lennon—McCartney)
4.  a) The Girls In Paris (Hazlewood)
     b) The Happening (DeVol—Holland—Dozier—Holland)
     c) Zabadak (H. Blaikley)
5.  a) Release Me (Miller—Yount—Williams)
     b) Monja (Jöger—Dal Finado)
     c) Born Free (Barry—Black)

1.  a) Mexico Calling (H. Zacharias)
     b) Puppet On A String (Martin—Coulter)
     c) A Banda (De Hollanda)
2.  a) Somethin' Stupid (Parks)
     b) San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)
         (J. Phillips)
     c) Massachusetts (B. & R. Gibb)
3.  a) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon—McCartney)
     b) All You Need Is Love (Lennon—McCartney)
     c) When I'm 64 (Lennon—McCartney)
4.  a) Spanish Flea (Wechter)
     b) Music To Watch Girls By (Ramin)
     c) Miss Frenchy Brown (B. Coleman)
5.  a) The Last Waltz (Reed—Mason)
6.  Ludmilla Theme (from the film "Liebesnächte In Der Taiga")
     (M. Hübler)
Photo: Horst Prange

Photo: Horst Prange

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ÇÂÎÍÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ÏÈØÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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