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1. "The American Metaphysical Circus" (Joseph Byrd) 4:55
2. "Hard Coming Love" (Byrd, Dorothy Moskowitz) 4:43
3. "Cloud Song" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 3:18
4. "The Garden of Earthly Delights" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 2:39
5. "I Won't Leave My Wooden Wife for You, Sugar" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 3:52

1. "Where Is Yesterday" (Gordon Marron, Ed Bogas, Moskowitz) 3:07
2. "Coming Down" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 2:40
3. "Love Song for the Dead Ché" (Byrd) 3:25
4. "Stranded in Time" (Marron, Bogas) 1:50
5. "The American Way of Love"  6:38
I. "Metaphor for an Older Man" (Byrd)
II. "California Good-time Music" (Byrd)
III. "Love Is All" (Byrd, Moskowitz, Rand Forbes, Craig Woodson, Gordon Marron)"

1. "The American Metaphysical Circus" (Joseph Byrd) 4:55
2. "Hard Coming Love" (Byrd, Dorothy Moskowitz) 4:43
3. "Cloud Song" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 3:18
4. "The Garden of Earthly Delights" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 2:39
5. "I Won't Leave My Wooden Wife for You, Sugar" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 3:52

1. "Where Is Yesterday" (Gordon Marron, Ed Bogas, Moskowitz) 3:07
2. "Coming Down" (Byrd, Moskowitz) 2:40
3. "Love Song for the Dead Ché" (Byrd) 3:25
4. "Stranded in Time" (Marron, Bogas) 1:50
5. "The American Way of Love"  6:38
I. "Metaphor for an Older Man" (Byrd)
II. "California Good-time Music" (Byrd)
III. "Love Is All" (Byrd, Moskowitz, Rand Forbes, Craig Woodson, Gordon Marron)"

Joseph Byrd
– electronic music, electric harpsichord, organ, calliope, piano
Dorothy Moskowitz – lead singer
Gordon Marron – electric violin, ring modulator
Rand Forbes – electric bass
Craig Woodson – electric drums, percussion
Ed Bogas
– occasional organ, piano, calliope

All arrangements by Joseph Byrd, except where otherwise indicated
All lead vocals by Dorothy Moskowitz, except:
"Where Is Yesterday" (together with Gordon), "Stranded in Time" (solo Gordon),
II. "California Good-time Music" (together with Joseph and Gordon)
Recording engineer: David Diller
Re-mixing engineers: Glen Kolotkin, Arthur Kendy
Richard Durrett – instrument design engineer - creator of the DURRET Electronic Music Synthesizer and Ring Modulator
David Rubinson - producer
Cover photos: Gary Margolis, Sgt. William Kerby
Ephemera, Visual Advisors

Joseph Byrd
– electronic music, electric harpsichord, organ, calliope, piano
Dorothy Moskowitz – lead singer
Gordon Marron – electric violin, ring modulator
Rand Forbes – electric bass
Craig Woodson – electric drums, percussion
Ed Bogas
– occasional organ, piano, calliope

All arrangements by Joseph Byrd, except where otherwise indicated
All lead vocals by Dorothy Moskowitz, except:
"Where Is Yesterday" (together with Gordon), "Stranded in Time" (solo Gordon),
II. "California Good-time Music" (together with Joseph and Gordon)
Recording engineer: David Diller
Re-mixing engineers: Glen Kolotkin, Arthur Kendy
Richard Durrett – instrument design engineer - creator of the DURRET Electronic Music Synthesizer and Ring Modulator
David Rubinson - producer
Cover photos: Gary Margolis, Sgt. William Kerby
Ephemera, Visual Advisors

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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