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Album concept & lyrics by Hans Bathelt

SIDE 1 (Total time: 21:00):
1. The Capital Of Power (Fritz)
2. The School Of Instant Pain
    a) Proclamation (Fritz, Bathelt)
    b) The Gladiator's Song (Fritz, Bathelt)
    c) Roman Entertainment (Fritz, Bathelt)
    d) The Battle (Fritz, Bathelt)
3. The Walls Of Doom (Fritz)
4. The Deadly Dream Of Freedom (Köllen, Bathelt)
5. The Hazy Shades Of Dawn (Fritz)

SIDE 2 (Total time: 22:10):
1. The Burning Sword Of Capua (Fritz)
2. The Sweetest Sound Of Liberty (Köllen, Bathelt)
3. The March To Eternal City
    a) Dusty Road (Fritz, Bathelt)
    b) Italian Improvisation (Fritz, Bathelt)
    c) First Success (Fritz, Bathelt)
4. Spartacus
    a) The Superior Force Of Rome (Fritz, Bathelt)
    b) A Broken Dream (Fritz)
    c) The Finale (Fritz)

Album concept & lyrics by Hans Bathelt

SIDE 1 (Total time: 21:00):
1. The Capital Of Power (Fritz)
2. The School Of Instant Pain
    a) Proclamation (Fritz, Bathelt)
    b) The Gladiator's Song (Fritz, Bathelt)
    c) Roman Entertainment (Fritz, Bathelt)
    d) The Battle (Fritz, Bathelt)
3. The Walls Of Doom (Fritz)
4. The Deadly Dream Of Freedom (Köllen, Bathelt)
5. The Hazy Shades Of Dawn (Fritz)

SIDE 2 (Total time: 22:10):
1. The Burning Sword Of Capua (Fritz)
2. The Sweetest Sound Of Liberty (Köllen, Bathelt)
3. The March To Eternal City
    a) Dusty Road (Fritz, Bathelt)
    b) Italian Improvisation (Fritz, Bathelt)
    c) First Success (Fritz, Bathelt)
4. Spartacus
    a) The Superior Force Of Rome (Fritz, Bathelt)
    b) A Broken Dream (Fritz)
    c) The Finale (Fritz)
Helmut Köllen – Bass, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Vocals
Hans Bathelt – Drums & percussion
Jürgen Fritz – Hammond Organ, Moog Synthesizers, Grand Piano, String Ensemble & Electric Piano

Produced by Jürgen Fritz
Arranged by Triumvirat
This album was recorded at EMI Electrola Studio 1, Cologne, between February 3rd and March 4th
Recording Engineer: Wolfgang Thierbach
Tapes: Helmut Rüssmann
The album was mixed at A.I.R. Studios, London, between March 6th and March 13th
Mixing Engineer: Geoff Emerick
Tapes: Pete Henderson
Thanks to Alec Johnson for everything

This album is based on the story of SPARTACUS, a Roman gladiator, who was the leader of rebellion against Rome around 73 BC

Helmut Köllen – Bass, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Vocals
Hans Bathelt – Drums & percussion
Jürgen Fritz – Hammond Organ, Moog Synthesizers, Grand Piano, String Ensemble & Electric Piano

Produced by Jürgen Fritz
Arranged by Triumvirat
This album was recorded at EMI Electrola Studio 1, Cologne, between February 3rd and March 4th
Recording Engineer: Wolfgang Thierbach
Tapes: Helmut Rüssmann
The album was mixed at A.I.R. Studios, London, between March 6th and March 13th
Mixing Engineer: Geoff Emerick
Tapes: Pete Henderson
Thanks to Alec Johnson for everything

This album is based on the story of SPARTACUS, a Roman gladiator, who was the leader of rebellion against Rome around 73 BC

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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