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Авторы всех песен: Barry & Maurice Gibb

1. If I Only Had My Mind On Something Else - 2:33
2. I.O.I.O. - 2:51
3. Then You Left Me - 3:11
4. The Lord - 2:19
5. I Was The Child - 3:14
6. I Lay Down And Die - 3:34

1. Sweetheart - 3:09
2. Bury Me Down By The River - 3:25
3. My Thing - 2:20
4. The Chance Of Love - 2:28
5. Turning Tide - 3:09
6. Don't Forget To Remember - 3:27

Авторы всех песен: Barry & Maurice Gibb

1. If I Only Had My Mind On Something Else - 2:33
2. I.O.I.O. - 2:51
3. Then You Left Me - 3:11
4. The Lord - 2:19
5. I Was The Child - 3:14
6. I Lay Down And Die - 3:34

1. Sweetheart - 3:09
2. Bury Me Down By The River - 3:25
3. My Thing - 2:20
4. The Chance Of Love - 2:28
5. Turning Tide - 3:09
6. Don't Forget To Remember - 3:27
Barry Gibb – lead, harmony and backing vocals; acoustic guitar
Maurice Gibb – harmony and backing vocals; bass guitar; acoustic and electric guitars; piano, Mellotron; lead vocals and drums on "My Thing"
Colin Petersen – drums on all tracks except where noted
Vince Melouney – guitar ("I.O.I.O")
P.P. Arnold – backing vocals ("Bury Me Down by the River")
Terry Cox – drums ("If I Only Had My Mind on Something Else", "I Lay Down and Die", "Sweetheart", "The Chance of Love", "Turning Tide")

Produced by Robert Stigwood & The Bee Gees
Recorded at IBC Studios, London. 7 May – 26 September 1969
(except "I.O.I.O", 12 June 1968 & 8 October 1969)
Accompaniment directed by Bill Shepherd
Sleeve Design: Hamish Grimes

Barry Gibb – lead, harmony and backing vocals; acoustic guitar
Maurice Gibb – harmony and backing vocals; bass guitar; acoustic and electric guitars; piano, Mellotron; lead vocals and drums on "My Thing"
Colin Petersen – drums on all tracks except where noted
Vince Melouney – guitar ("I.O.I.O")
P.P. Arnold – backing vocals ("Bury Me Down by the River")
Terry Cox – drums ("If I Only Had My Mind on Something Else", "I Lay Down and Die", "Sweetheart", "The Chance of Love", "Turning Tide")

Produced by Robert Stigwood & The Bee Gees
Recorded at IBC Studios, London. 7 May – 26 September 1969
(except "I.O.I.O", 12 June 1968 & 8 October 1969)
Accompaniment directed by Bill Shepherd
Sleeve Design: Hamish Grimes

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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