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Цена: 3,500 руб.
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1. I'm In Need Of Your Help (Colton/Smith/Donaldson) - 1:51
2. Send Me A Wire (Colton/Smith) - 3:49
3. I Wish You Knew Me* (Colton/Smith) - 4:25
4. Everybody's Hustlin' (Colton/Smith/Hodges) - 3:47
5. Hang Me, Dang Me (Colton/Smith) - 4:13
6. Devil's Elbow (Colton/Smith) - 5:01

1. Country Boy (Colton/Smith/Lee) - 5:25
2. Tryin' To Put Me On (Colton/Smith) - 3:16
3. Delaware* (Colton/Smith) - 4:52
4. Pete Might Spook The Horses (Colton/Smith/Gavin) - 5:11
5. Little Bit Lonely* (Colton/Smith) - 2:20

1. I'm In Need Of Your Help (Colton/Smith/Donaldson) - 1:51
2. Send Me A Wire (Colton/Smith) - 3:49
3. I Wish You Knew Me* (Colton/Smith) - 4:25
4. Everybody's Hustlin' (Colton/Smith/Hodges) - 3:47
5. Hang Me, Dang Me (Colton/Smith) - 4:13
6. Devil's Elbow (Colton/Smith) - 5:01

1. Country Boy (Colton/Smith/Lee) - 5:25
2. Tryin' To Put Me On (Colton/Smith) - 3:16
3. Delaware* (Colton/Smith) - 4:52
4. Pete Might Spook The Horses (Colton/Smith/Gavin) - 5:11
5. Little Bit Lonely* (Colton/Smith) - 2:20
Tony Colton — vocals
Ray Smith — guitar, vocals
Albert Lee — guitar, dobro,vibes, moog synthesizer, vocals
Mike O'Neill — piano, organ, vocals
Chas Hodges — bass, banjo, fiddle, vocals
Pete Gavin — drums, precussion, vibes, vocals
Backing Vocals: Tony Colton, Ray Smith, Albert Lee, Mike O'Neill, Chas Hodges, Pete Gavin, Jerry Donahue, Ray Osborne
* Backing Vocals Arrangements by Jerry Donahue

Produced by Tony Colton
Engineered by Eddie Offord assisted by Alan Hunter
Recorded at Advision Studios, London, November 1970 - February 1971
Cover Design and Illustration by David Larkham
(from original photograph by Lewis Morley)
Photography by Ian Digby-Ovens
Logo designed by Mike O'Neill
Guidance by Daniel Secunda
Special Thanks to Jerry Donahue

Tony Colton — vocals
Ray Smith — guitar, vocals
Albert Lee — guitar, dobro,vibes, moog synthesizer, vocals
Mike O'Neill — piano, organ, vocals
Chas Hodges — bass, banjo, fiddle, vocals
Pete Gavin — drums, precussion, vibes, vocals
Backing Vocals: Tony Colton, Ray Smith, Albert Lee, Mike O'Neill, Chas Hodges, Pete Gavin, Jerry Donahue, Ray Osborne
* Backing Vocals Arrangements by Jerry Donahue

Produced by Tony Colton
Engineered by Eddie Offord assisted by Alan Hunter
Recorded at Advision Studios, London, November 1970 - February 1971
Cover Design and Illustration by David Larkham
(from original photograph by Lewis Morley)
Photography by Ian Digby-Ovens
Logo designed by Mike O'Neill
Guidance by Daniel Secunda
Special Thanks to Jerry Donahue

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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