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Цена: 3,000 руб.
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1. Future Times (Anderson/Howe/Squire/Wakeman/White)
2. Rejoice (Anderson)
3. Don't Kill The Whale (Anderson/Squire)
4. Madrigal (Anderson/Wakeman)
5. Release, Release (Anderson/White/Squire)

1. Arriving UFO (Anderson/Howe/Wakeman)
2. Circus Of Heaven (Anderson)
3. Onward (Squire)
4. On The Silent Wings Of Freedom (Anderson/Squire)

1. Future Times (Anderson/Howe/Squire/Wakeman/White)
2. Rejoice (Anderson)
3. Don't Kill The Whale (Anderson/Squire)
4. Madrigal (Anderson/Wakeman)
5. Release, Release (Anderson/White/Squire)

1. Arriving UFO (Anderson/Howe/Wakeman)
2. Circus Of Heaven (Anderson)
3. Onward (Squire)
4. On The Silent Wings Of Freedom (Anderson/Squire)
Jon Anderson – vocals, percussion, 10-string Alvarez guitar, Puerto Rican cuatro
Steve Howe – Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar, Martin 000-45, Fender Broadcaster, Gibson ES-175, Gibson acoustic guitar, mandolin, Spanish guitar, vocals
Chris Squire – harmonised Rickenbacker bass guitar, bass pedals, Gibson Thunderbird bass guitar, piano, vocals
Rick Wakeman – Birotron, Hammond organ, Polymoog synthesizer, piano, harpsichord, RMI Electra Piano
Alan White – drums, military snare drum, glockenspiel, crotales, cymbals, bell tree, drum synthesizer, gongs, vibraphone, vocals

Arranged & produced by YES
Recording engineers: Geoff Young, Nigel Luby
Assisted by Peter Woolliscroft & Pete Schwier
Andrew Pryce Jackman arrangement and orchestration on "Onward"
and string arrangement on "Madrigal" from an original ideal by Rick Wakeman
Disc cutting Sean Davis at Strawberry Studios, London
Recorded at Advision Studios, London
Mixing and additional recording at RAK Studios, London
Executive producer 'we owe it all to' Brian Lane
Sleeve design by Hipgnosis
Photography: Hipgnosis/Brimson
Graphics: Colin Elgie
YES logo designed by Roger Dean
Thanks to Damion James for being "a chip off the old block" on "Circus Of Heaven"

Jon Anderson – vocals, percussion, 10-string Alvarez guitar, Puerto Rican cuatro
Steve Howe – Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar, Martin 000-45, Fender Broadcaster, Gibson ES-175, Gibson acoustic guitar, mandolin, Spanish guitar, vocals
Chris Squire – harmonised Rickenbacker bass guitar, bass pedals, Gibson Thunderbird bass guitar, piano, vocals
Rick Wakeman – Birotron, Hammond organ, Polymoog synthesizer, piano, harpsichord, RMI Electra Piano
Alan White – drums, military snare drum, glockenspiel, crotales, cymbals, bell tree, drum synthesizer, gongs, vibraphone, vocals

Arranged & produced by YES
Recording engineers: Geoff Young, Nigel Luby
Assisted by Peter Woolliscroft & Pete Schwier
Andrew Pryce Jackman arrangement and orchestration on "Onward"
and string arrangement on "Madrigal" from an original ideal by Rick Wakeman
Disc cutting Sean Davis at Strawberry Studios, London
Recorded at Advision Studios, London
Mixing and additional recording at RAK Studios, London
Executive producer 'we owe it all to' Brian Lane
Sleeve design by Hipgnosis
Photography: Hipgnosis/Brimson
Graphics: Colin Elgie
YES logo designed by Roger Dean
Thanks to Damion James for being "a chip off the old block" on "Circus Of Heaven"

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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