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1. Ready To Live (P. Smith/L. Hewitt) - 5:22
2. Simple Love Life (P. Smith/R. Smith) - 3:15
3. Under Pressure (Fred Gowdy/Larry Wilkins) - 3:27
4. When My Love Hand Comes Down - 4:20
   (Pam Sawyer/Gloria Jones)
5. When It's Over (Artie Wayne) - 2:30

1. Considerations* (Steve Cropper) - 3:34
2. I Only Wanted Someone To Hear Me* - 3:51
   (Dee Presley/Allan Rush)
3. You're Free Lovin' Me* (Steve Cropper/Carl Marsh) - 3:48
4. Come Back Into My Life Again (Billy Ray Charles) - 3:39
5. Just Like Sunshine (P. Smith/R. Matute) - 4:39

1. Ready To Live (P. Smith/L. Hewitt) - 5:22
2. Simple Love Life (P. Smith/R. Smith) - 3:15
3. Under Pressure (Fred Gowdy/Larry Wilkins) - 3:27
4. When My Love Hand Comes Down - 4:20
   (Pam Sawyer/Gloria Jones)
5. When It's Over (Artie Wayne) - 2:30

1. Considerations* (Steve Cropper) - 3:34
2. I Only Wanted Someone To Hear Me* - 3:51
   (Dee Presley/Allan Rush)
3. You're Free Lovin' Me* (Steve Cropper/Carl Marsh) - 3:48
4. Come Back Into My Life Again (Billy Ray Charles) - 3:39
5. Just Like Sunshine (P. Smith/R. Matute) - 4:39
Lydia Pense — Vocals
Background vocals: Brooks Hunnicut, Gwen Edwards, Brenda Gordon, Tish Smith, Pat Coulter
Background vocals on "Under Pressure": Lydia Pense, Smith Dobson, Max Haskett
Raul Matute — Organ, electric piano, clavinet
Michael Sasaki — Lead guitar
Smith Dobson — Piano, elecric piano
Rod Ellicott — Bass
Gaylord Birch — Drums
Danny Kootch — Guitar
Bobbye Hall — Congas & percussion
David Luell — Alto, tenor & baritone saxophone
Jim Horn — Tenor saxophone & flute solo on "Under Pressure"
Chuck Bennett — Trombone
Trumpets: Max Haskett, Paul Hubinon, Chuck Findley, Bobby Shew
Tenor saxophone, flute, piccolo: Don Menza, Peter Christlieb
Tommy Cathey — Bass (on *)
Joe Williams — Drums (on *)
Paul Cannon — Guitar (on *)
Steve Cropper — Guitar (on *)
The Memphis Horns

Pproduced by Steve Cropper
Arranged by Cold Blood & Steve Cropper
Horn & string arrangements: Raul Matute
Recorded at Clover Recorders, Los Angeles
Engineered by Robert Appere, except:
* recorded at Trans-Maximus Sound Studios, Inc., Memphis
Engineered by Ron Capone
Remixed at Clover Recorders by Robert Appere
Album photography: Herb Greene

Lydia Pense — Vocals
Background vocals: Brooks Hunnicut, Gwen Edwards, Brenda Gordon, Tish Smith, Pat Coulter
Background vocals on "Under Pressure": Lydia Pense, Smith Dobson, Max Haskett
Raul Matute — Organ, electric piano, clavinet
Michael Sasaki — Lead guitar
Smith Dobson — Piano, elecric piano
Rod Ellicott — Bass
Gaylord Birch — Drums
Danny Kootch — Guitar
Bobbye Hall — Congas & percussion
David Luell — Alto, tenor & baritone saxophone
Jim Horn — Tenor saxophone & flute solo on "Under Pressure"
Chuck Bennett — Trombone
Trumpets: Max Haskett, Paul Hubinon, Chuck Findley, Bobby Shew
Tenor saxophone, flute, piccolo: Don Menza, Peter Christlieb
Tommy Cathey — Bass (on *)
Joe Williams — Drums (on *)
Paul Cannon — Guitar (on *)
Steve Cropper — Guitar (on *)
The Memphis Horns

Pproduced by Steve Cropper
Arranged by Cold Blood & Steve Cropper
Horn & string arrangements: Raul Matute
Recorded at Clover Recorders, Los Angeles
Engineered by Robert Appere, except:
* recorded at Trans-Maximus Sound Studios, Inc., Memphis
Engineered by Ron Capone
Remixed at Clover Recorders by Robert Appere
Album photography: Herb Greene

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ÇÂÎÍÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ÏÈØÈÒÅ ÍÀÌ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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