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1. Devil In My Closet (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 6:00
2. Angel Of Sorrow (D. Walker/J. Campbell/A. Kennedy) - 4:15
3. Wild Streak (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 4:58
4. Couldn't Do Nothin' (J. Campbell/D. Walker) - 3:47
5. Tiny Coffin (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 4:42

6. World Of Trouble (J. Campbell/D. Walker) - 6:08
7. Voodoo Edge (J. Campbell/A. Kennedy/D. Walker) - 4:06
8. Person To Person (Elmore James/Marshall Sehorn) - 3:49
9. Take Me Down (J. Campbell/D. Walker/A. Kennedy) - 6:45
10. One Believer (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 5:33

1. Devil In My Closet (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 6:00
2. Angel Of Sorrow (D. Walker/J. Campbell/A. Kennedy) - 4:15
3. Wild Streak (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 4:58
4. Couldn't Do Nothin' (J. Campbell/D. Walker) - 3:47
5. Tiny Coffin (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 4:42

6. World Of Trouble (J. Campbell/D. Walker) - 6:08
7. Voodoo Edge (J. Campbell/A. Kennedy/D. Walker) - 4:06
8. Person To Person (Elmore James/Marshall Sehorn) - 3:49
9. Take Me Down (J. Campbell/D. Walker/A. Kennedy) - 6:45
10. One Believer (D. Walker/J. Campbell) - 5:33
John Campbell – Guitar, Vocals, Slide Guitar
Gary Nicholson – Guitar (№№ 4, 8, 9)
Jimmy Pugh – Keyboards (№№ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10)
Horns ("One Believer"): Darrell Leonard, Joe Sublett, Ken Tussing
Darrell Leonard – Trumpet ("World Of Trouble")
Bass: Antoine Sally (№ 3), Jimmy Pettit (№№ 4, 8, 9), Richard Cousins (№№ 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10)
Drums: Davis McLarty (№№ 4, 8, 9), Lee Spath (№№ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10)
Percussion: Brad Dutz (№ 3, 7, 9), Lee Spath (№ 3, 7, 9)

Produced by Dennis Walker & Peter Lubin
Engineered by Bill Dashiell
Additional Engineers: John Carter, Phil Shenale
Basic Tracks №№ 4, 8, 9 Engineer: Neill King
Recorded by Chris Rich, Fidel Bell, Neill King, Tim Lauber
Mixed by Bill Schnee
Mastered by Doug Sax
Lacquer Cut by
Design: Manhattan Design
Photography: Marion Ettlinger

John Campbell – Guitar, Vocals, Slide Guitar
Gary Nicholson – Guitar (№№ 4, 8, 9)
Jimmy Pugh – Keyboards (№№ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10)
Horns ("One Believer"): Darrell Leonard, Joe Sublett, Ken Tussing
Darrell Leonard – Trumpet ("World Of Trouble")
Bass: Antoine Sally (№ 3), Jimmy Pettit (№№ 4, 8, 9), Richard Cousins (№№ 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10)
Drums: Davis McLarty (№№ 4, 8, 9), Lee Spath (№№ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10)
Percussion: Brad Dutz (№ 3, 7, 9), Lee Spath (№ 3, 7, 9)

Produced by Dennis Walker & Peter Lubin
Engineered by Bill Dashiell
Additional Engineers: John Carter, Phil Shenale
Basic Tracks №№ 4, 8, 9 Engineer: Neill King
Recorded by Chris Rich, Fidel Bell, Neill King, Tim Lauber
Mixed by Bill Schnee
Mastered by Doug Sax
Lacquer Cut by
Design: Manhattan Design
Photography: Marion Ettlinger

Current Reviews: 2
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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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