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1. For Your Love (G.Gouldman) - 11:50
2. Better Stop (B.Mohrle/C.Fischer) - 3:45

1. Dance With Me (F.Schreier) - 4:35
2. C'mon Baby (B.Mohrle) - 3:10
3. Key of Love (B.Mohrle) - 3:06
4. Sensation (B.Mohrle) - 2:45
5. Love Love Love (B.Mohrle) - 2:45

1. For Your Love (G.Gouldman) - 11:50
2. Better Stop (B.Mohrle/C.Fischer) - 3:45

1. Dance With Me (F.Schreier) - 4:35
2. C'mon Baby (B.Mohrle) - 3:10
3. Key of Love (B.Mohrle) - 3:06
4. Sensation (B.Mohrle) - 2:45
5. Love Love Love (B.Mohrle) - 2:45
Lead vocals and backing vocals by Chilly
Drums: Brad Howell, Hartmut Pfannmüller, Jürgen Zöller
Bass: Kurt Hauenstein
Guitars: Johan Daansen, Rainer Marz, Claus Fischer, Achim Grimm
Keyboards: Christian Kolonovits
Synthesizer - Christian Kolonovits, Dieter Kolb, Daniel Brenchipe
Electronic Strings: Dieter Kolb
Percussion: Brad Howell, Hartmut Pfannmüller, Bernt Möhrle
Violins: T.Kovacs, X.Montes, G.Eskin, E.Schilling, B.Dragic, H.Würtel, B.Kolcar, M.Sudau
Viola: F.Eppinger, W.Urhahn, C.Gutsche
Cello: W.Tiepold, V.Kozderka
Additional backing vocals: Edith Seibt , Florence Mills , George Liszt , Herlinde Grobe, Kurt Hauenstein, Christian Kolonovits, Bernt Möhrle
Trumpet: I.Preis
Trombone: G.Glas
Sax: L.Lindner, W.d.Oliveira, K.Katz

Produced by Bernt Möhrle
Recorded at Europasound Studios, Frankfurt/Main
Engineered by Hartmut Pfannmüller, Fred Schreier, Temmy Grohe
Mixed by Bernt Möhrle, Hartmut Pfannmüller, Temmy Grohe
Photography: Benno Friedman
Design: Stephanie Zuras (AGI)
Art Direction: Bob Heimall (AGI)

Lead vocals and backing vocals by Chilly
Drums: Brad Howell, Hartmut Pfannmüller, Jürgen Zöller
Bass: Kurt Hauenstein
Guitars: Johan Daansen, Rainer Marz, Claus Fischer, Achim Grimm
Keyboards: Christian Kolonovits
Synthesizer - Christian Kolonovits, Dieter Kolb, Daniel Brenchipe
Electronic Strings: Dieter Kolb
Percussion: Brad Howell, Hartmut Pfannmüller, Bernt Möhrle
Violins: T.Kovacs, X.Montes, G.Eskin, E.Schilling, B.Dragic, H.Würtel, B.Kolcar, M.Sudau
Viola: F.Eppinger, W.Urhahn, C.Gutsche
Cello: W.Tiepold, V.Kozderka
Additional backing vocals: Edith Seibt , Florence Mills , George Liszt , Herlinde Grobe, Kurt Hauenstein, Christian Kolonovits, Bernt Möhrle
Trumpet: I.Preis
Trombone: G.Glas
Sax: L.Lindner, W.d.Oliveira, K.Katz

Produced by Bernt Möhrle
Recorded at Europasound Studios, Frankfurt/Main
Engineered by Hartmut Pfannmüller, Fred Schreier, Temmy Grohe
Mixed by Bernt Möhrle, Hartmut Pfannmüller, Temmy Grohe
Photography: Benno Friedman
Design: Stephanie Zuras (AGI)
Art Direction: Bob Heimall (AGI)

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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