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Длительность вещей на пластинке не совпадает с длительностью, указанной на конверте. Здесь указана длительность с пластинки.
1. The Eureka Springs Garbage Lady (Wells/Doerge/Saint Nicholas) - 3:47
2. Miss Pamela and Miss Sparky discuss STUFFED BRAS and some of their early gym class experiences - 2:08
3. Who's Jim Sox? - 1:02
4. Kansas and the BTO's - 1:12
5. The Captain's Fat Theresa Shoes (Miller/Parker/Frka/Rowe/Wells/Jones) - 2:36
6. Wouldn't It Be Sad If There Were No Cones? - 1:12
7. Do Me In Once And I'll Be Sad, Do Me In Twice And I'll Know Better (Circular Circulation) (Rowe/George) - 2:19
8. The Moche Monster Review - 1:45
9. TV Lives (Frka/Preston) - 0:57

1. Rodney - 3:43
2. I Have A Paintbrush In My Hand To Color A Triangle (Peters/George) - 2:11
3. Miss Christine's First Conversation With The Plaster Casters Of Chicago - 0:57
4. The Original GTO's - 1:06
5. The Ghost Chained To The Past, Present, And Future (Shock Treatment) (Peters/Wells) - 1:45
6. Love On An Eleven Year Old Level - 1:18
7. Miss Pamela's First Conversation With The Plaster Casters Of Chicago - 1:31
8. I'm In Love With The Ooo-Ooo Man (Miller/Jones) - 3:24

Длительность вещей на пластинке не совпадает с длительностью, указанной на конверте. Здесь указана длительность с пластинки.
1. The Eureka Springs Garbage Lady (Wells/Doerge/Saint Nicholas) - 3:47
2. Miss Pamela and Miss Sparky discuss STUFFED BRAS and some of their early gym class experiences - 2:08
3. Who's Jim Sox? - 1:02
4. Kansas and the BTO's - 1:12
5. The Captain's Fat Theresa Shoes (Miller/Parker/Frka/Rowe/Wells/Jones) - 2:36
6. Wouldn't It Be Sad If There Were No Cones? - 1:12
7. Do Me In Once And I'll Be Sad, Do Me In Twice And I'll Know Better (Circular Circulation) (Rowe/George) - 2:19
8. The Moche Monster Review - 1:45
9. TV Lives (Frka/Preston) - 0:57

1. Rodney - 3:43
2. I Have A Paintbrush In My Hand To Color A Triangle (Peters/George) - 2:11
3. Miss Christine's First Conversation With The Plaster Casters Of Chicago - 0:57
4. The Original GTO's - 1:06
5. The Ghost Chained To The Past, Present, And Future (Shock Treatment) (Peters/Wells) - 1:45
6. Love On An Eleven Year Old Level - 1:18
7. Miss Pamela's First Conversation With The Plaster Casters Of Chicago - 1:31
8. I'm In Love With The Ooo-Ooo Man (Miller/Jones) - 3:24

Miss Christine
Miss Cinderella--Vocals
Miss Mercy--Vocals
Miss Pamela--Vocals
Miss Sandra--Vocals
Ian Underwood--Keyboards (1, 5, 14, 17)
Don Preston--Synthesizer (9)
Roy Estrada--Bass (1, 5, 14, 17)
Jimmy Carl Black--Drums (1, 5, 14, 17)
Frank Zappa--Tambourine (17)
Nicky Hopkins--Keyboards (14)
Craig Doerge--Keyboards (1, 5, 14, 17)
Jeff Beck--Guitar (1, 5, 14)
Rod Stewart--Vocals (14)
Rodney Bingenheimer--vocals (10)
Lowell George (7, 11)
Russ Titleman (7, 11)
Ry Cooder--guitar (11)

Produced by Frank Zappa
Lowell George
--Producer (7,11)
Director of engineering--Dick Kung
Master--Herb Cohen
Linda Sue Parker "Miss Sparkie
David Jones--Composer
Cover photos by Andee Cohen
Interior photos by Ed Caraeff
Cover design by John Williams

Miss Christine
Miss Cinderella--Vocals
Miss Mercy--Vocals
Miss Pamela--Vocals
Miss Sandra--Vocals
Ian Underwood--Keyboards (1, 5, 14, 17)
Don Preston--Synthesizer (9)
Roy Estrada--Bass (1, 5, 14, 17)
Jimmy Carl Black--Drums (1, 5, 14, 17)
Frank Zappa--Tambourine (17)
Nicky Hopkins--Keyboards (14)
Craig Doerge--Keyboards (1, 5, 14, 17)
Jeff Beck--Guitar (1, 5, 14)
Rod Stewart--Vocals (14)
Rodney Bingenheimer--vocals (10)
Lowell George (7, 11)
Russ Titleman (7, 11)
Ry Cooder--guitar (11)

Produced by Frank Zappa
Lowell George
--Producer (7,11)
Director of engineering--Dick Kung
Master--Herb Cohen
Linda Sue Parker "Miss Sparkie
David Jones--Composer
Cover photos by Andee Cohen
Interior photos by Ed Caraeff
Cover design by John Williams

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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