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Цена: 3,000 руб.
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   1. Je suis Music (Cerrone) 7:48
   2. Rocket in the Pocket (Cerrone) 7:20
   1. Look for Love (Cerrone, Don Ray) 10:10
   2. Music of Life (Cerrone) 6:30

   1. Je suis Music (Cerrone) 7:48
   2. Rocket in the Pocket (Cerrone) 7:20
   1. Look for Love (Cerrone, Don Ray) 10:10
   2. Music of Life (Cerrone) 6:30

Guitars by Juber Larry, Pezin Slim, R.Hitchcock, Snowy
Bass by M.Foster, D.Christopher, C.Pado
Drums by Cerrone
Percussions by Cerrone, Ray Cooper, Frank Ricotti, Marc Chantereau
Synthesizer by Cerrone, G.Roddi, Don Ray
Piano by L.Dixon
Brass Section: S.Saltsmann, T.Wadking, Lowther, C.Hardie
French Horns by D.Cripps, T.Hallstead, G.Carr
Strings Solo: Ripoche
Special thanks for help with the coordination to David Katz
Strings by M.Sillito, N.Mernich, L.Clay, P.Oxer, C.Mitchell, T.Harris, D.Gunnis, J.Davis, B.Mack, A.Daziel, P.Willison, C.Anstee
Solo voices by Cerrone and K.Garner
Chorus: Sony Leslie, Sue Glover, K.Garner
Lene Lovich
translated the lyrics
Don Ray signed the arrangements

Composed and produced by Cerrone
Recorded at Trident Studio - London,
Ferber Studio - Paris - Cutting Translab - Paris
in May, June & July 1978.
Sound Engineering by Steve Short, Rene Ameline, Collins, Steve Taylor, C. Grilli
Illustration by Philippe Morillon
Inner Cover Concept by Cerrone
Layout by Creac

Guitars by Juber Larry, Pezin Slim, R.Hitchcock, Snowy
Bass by M.Foster, D.Christopher, C.Pado
Drums by Cerrone
Percussions by Cerrone, Ray Cooper, Frank Ricotti, Marc Chantereau
Synthesizer by Cerrone, G.Roddi, Don Ray
Piano by L.Dixon
Brass Section: S.Saltsmann, T.Wadking, Lowther, C.Hardie
French Horns by D.Cripps, T.Hallstead, G.Carr
Strings Solo: Ripoche
Special thanks for help with the coordination to David Katz
Strings by M.Sillito, N.Mernich, L.Clay, P.Oxer, C.Mitchell, T.Harris, D.Gunnis, J.Davis, B.Mack, A.Daziel, P.Willison, C.Anstee
Solo voices by Cerrone and K.Garner
Chorus: Sony Leslie, Sue Glover, K.Garner
Lene Lovich
translated the lyrics
Don Ray signed the arrangements

Composed and produced by Cerrone
Recorded at Trident Studio - London,
Ferber Studio - Paris - Cutting Translab - Paris
in May, June & July 1978.
Sound Engineering by Steve Short, Rene Ameline, Collins, Steve Taylor, C. Grilli
Illustration by Philippe Morillon
Inner Cover Concept by Cerrone
Layout by Creac

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ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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