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1. Rocket (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
2. Do You Love Me (Gordy Jnr.)/Sha La La La Lee (Lynch-Shuman)
3. Running Bear (Richardson)
4. The Hippy Hippy Shake (Romero)
5. Shake Rattle and Roll (Calhoun)/See You Later Alligator (Guidry)

1. Medley:
a) Dyna-Mite (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
b) The Cat Crept In (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
c) Tiger Feet (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
2. The End Of The World (Dee-Kent)
3. Blue Moon (Rodgers-Hart)
4. In The Mood (Razaf-Garland)
5. Bye Bye Johnny (Ch. Berry)

1. Rocket (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
2. Do You Love Me (Gordy Jnr.)/Sha La La La Lee (Lynch-Shuman)
3. Running Bear (Richardson)
4. The Hippy Hippy Shake (Romero)
5. Shake Rattle and Roll (Calhoun)/See You Later Alligator (Guidry)

1. Medley:
a) Dyna-Mite (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
b) The Cat Crept In (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
c) Tiger Feet (N. Chinn - M. Chapman)
2. The End Of The World (Dee-Kent)
3. Blue Moon (Rodgers-Hart)
4. In The Mood (Razaf-Garland)
5. Bye Bye Johnny (Ch. Berry)

Les Gray
- lead vocals
Rob Davis - lead guitar
Ray Stiles - bass guitar
Dave Mount - drums

Produced by Mike 'Startripper' Chapman and Nicky 'Nerves' Chinn
Engineered by Pete 'Rolled My Car Again' Coleman
Tape Operator: Rodney 'God I've Wiped the Tape Again' Harper
Recorded and Mixed -Up by Accident at Audio International Studios - London
Inspired by: H. & M. Wilson
Party Noises: Courtesy of Gate Crashers Ltd
Producers' Transport: Rolls Royce and Mercedes Benz
Cover Photo: Gered 'I Paint With Colours' Mankowitz
Cut to Pieces by Chris 'Baby' Blair at EMI, Abbey Road
Special Thanks to Geoffrey, without whose help this album may have been possible.

Les Gray
- lead vocals
Rob Davis - lead guitar
Ray Stiles - bass guitar
Dave Mount - drums

Produced by Mike 'Startripper' Chapman and Nicky 'Nerves' Chinn
Engineered by Pete 'Rolled My Car Again' Coleman
Tape Operator: Rodney 'God I've Wiped the Tape Again' Harper
Recorded and Mixed -Up by Accident at Audio International Studios - London
Inspired by: H. & M. Wilson
Party Noises: Courtesy of Gate Crashers Ltd
Producers' Transport: Rolls Royce and Mercedes Benz
Cover Photo: Gered 'I Paint With Colours' Mankowitz
Cut to Pieces by Chris 'Baby' Blair at EMI, Abbey Road
Special Thanks to Geoffrey, without whose help this album may have been possible.

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ЗВОНИТЕ НАМ : +7 (925)-771-07-21   
ПИШИТЕ НАМ: a@oldies-goldies.ru

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